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Work on COVID-19
This page collects Prof. Stoye's work on COVID-19 with brief explanations and links to media coverage.

"A Critical Assessment of Some Recent Work on COVID-19," preprint.
Permanent working paper. This paper received considerable attention. I provide an interview with Spiegel Online and an explanation (both in German).

"Bounding Infection Prevalence by Bounding Selectivity and Accuracy of Tests: With Application to Early COVID-19," published as Editor's Choice in the Econometrics Journal (link without paywall). See reporting in the Cornell Chronicle.
Credible partial identification bounds on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence are wide but far from vacuous even early in the pandemic. For example, flu-like infection fatality rate is excluded for Italy by early April.

"Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: It Is Not Who You Teach, but How You Teach" (with G. Orlov, D. McKee, J. Berry, A. Boyle, T.J. DiCiccio, T. Ransom, and A. Rees-Jones), IZA Discussion Paper 13813 and NBER Working Paper 28022, abbreviated version published in Economics Letters (link). See reporting in Inside Higher Ed, VoxEU, Cornell Chronicle, and IZA World of Labor.
Standardized assessments applied to numerous courses over recent years reveal the impact of COVID-19 on learning outcomes. This impact is negative and is attenuated by instructors' prior experience with online teaching. There is no strong evidence of differential impact across demographic subgroups.

Contact Information

Professor Jörg Stoye
450 Uris Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Phone: (607) 255-7586
Fax: (607) 255-2818