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Welcome to my homepage! I am the Ta-Chung Liu Professor of Economics at Cornell University. I also serve on the Graduate Minor Field of Data Science. My research is in econometrics and (mostly statistical) decision theory.

Outside academia, I am interested in music. I DJed for both Northwestern's college radio station and a cross-university college radio station for Cologne.

My Erdös Number is 4.

Curriculum Vitae

Click here for a current CV.

Online Presence

Google Scholar

Media Coverage

On the "Drosten-BILD-Affäre": Spiegel Online.

On learning in times of COVID-19: Inside Higher Ed, VoxEU, IZA World of Labor, Cornell Chronicle, Education Next.

On bounding the IFR of COVID-19 with minimal data: Cornell Chronicle.

On a recent NSF grant with José Luis Montiel Olea and Chen Qiu: Cornell Chronicle.

Contact Information

Professor Jörg Stoye
450 Uris Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Phone: (607) 255-7586
Fax: (607) 255-2818